I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Receive Love

“What the world needs now is love sweet love.” Those are lyrics to a song from years gone by, but the sentiment has been around for millennia. Christmas is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. He is the result of God’s love to the world. John 3:16 says, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son [to die as a sacrifice for the world], so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” It was out of the deep love God had for us that He sent His Son to die in our place as a perfect and final lamb sacrifice for our sins. He wanted to save the world from the curse of death that came as a result of the fall. It was no mistake that Jesus was born in a place where animals were typically born and cared for since He was to be the perfect sacrificial lamb to break the curse and restore our relationship with God that He intended. God loves us that much. God sacrificed that much to redeem us. All we have to do is accept that love sweet

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