I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Let Grace Overcome Failure

Over and over in my life, I have had a pattern of starting something, then just when it is about to take off or be completed, I quit. There are a variety of reasons why I choose to quit – a disparaging comment from someone; an obstacle that gets in the way; doubt – but the core to all these “reasons” is the heart of the matter: fear of failure. While over the years I have learned how to overcome this pattern, through the power of the Holy Spirit, fixing my mind on what is true, pure, excellent (Phil. 4:8), and having an amazing support system, the enemy is still up to his old tricks and I am battling once again. He doesn’t want me to press on, but to quit. Satan, the deceiver, doesn’t want God’s people to do the will of the Lord, so he uses the same tactics he’s used since beginning of time: he twists the truth, he puts the seed of doubt in our minds, he tells us we are unequipped, unprepared, unworthy of our calling. We are not enough. We have too many obstacles in our lives. Does any of this resonate with you

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