I Choose Today to be an Affirmer
I have been reading a book with a friend called Balcony People, by Joyce Landorf Heatherley. In the book she talks about two types of people: evaluators and the affirmers. The evaluators are “people who either broke our spirits by their critical or judgmental evaluations. The affirmers are those who “healed us by their loving perceptive affirmations.” When I read these descriptions of evaluators and affirmers, my mind went right to the people who have been evaluators. Those people and the things that they said that crushed my spirit by their critical perceptive things they said to me or how they treated me. Those memories came quickly, with no effort on remembering them. The affirmers took a little more thought. But you know what? The affirmers were there too. The people who came alongside me to breathe life and love into me. Those who helped me recognize my worth and that I could heal. They walked with me on my healing journey. I believe God brings affirmers in our lives to walk with us, to encourage us in our faith, and to come alongside our healing and life’s journeys. I praise God for all the affirmers in my life past,