I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Prevail

Have you ever struggled? Struggled with a relationship, finances, your weight? Struggled with a decision—choosing between your way or God’s way? Or maybe even with faith itself, wondering how God could be good with so much hardship happening around you? I know the feeling. One of the deepest struggles I’ve faced was trusting in God’s goodness after experiencing the heartbreaking loss of my son to SIDS. I can still remember the rawness of those moments: yelling, crying, and wrestling with God. It felt like I was struggling alone, silently holding pain that no one else could understand. In reflecting on my own struggles, I found deep encouragement in the story of Jacob wrestling with God (Genesis 32:22-32). Jacob’s story is about much more than a physical struggle; it’s about an internal wrestling with identity, sin, and faith. Jacob’s encounter with God teaches us some powerful truths about working through our struggles. 1. Perseverance in the Struggle: Jacob wrestled with God all night and refused to give up, even after being injured. His persistence shows that prevailing isn’t about overpowering God but about enduring with faith. We often face the temptation to quit when things get tough, but Jacob’s story reminds

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