I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Walk in Restoration

Not long ago, I talked about Simon Peter, how he was the boldest, most outspoken, and enthusiastic of all the disciples. He was the first to put himself out there for God; to take a stand, to be bold in how he felt, to be a leader among his peers. But when push came to shove, when it mattered the most, Peter denied knowing Jesus, not once, but three times. He essentially turned his back on Jesus when the pressures of his circumstances became too much for him to handle. After Jesus’ death, Peter lost all hope. He went back to the life he knew, the way of life Jesus had called him out of. Instead of being the “fisher of men” Jesus called him to, he went back to being a fisher of, well, fish. Instead of giving people the gift of being able to be sustained into eternity through Christ Jesus, he was giving them a once and done deal of sustaining them for a moment, merely surviving. How often do we do that same thing? We make a mistake and we lose all hope of a thriving life? We figure we’d go back to our lives since

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