I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Move with Compassion

I saw a sign the other day that said, “If you see something, do something.” To me, this meant if I see something wrong, or someone is in trouble, I need to do something about it. How do we respond when we see something wrong? What do we do when we see someone hurting, in need, or seeking? Are we passive, or are we moved with compassion that leads to action? Jesus was often moved with compassion in how He encountered the people He ministered to. Jesus always responded to His compassion with action. In every instance where He was “moved with compassion,” it led to a tangible response that addressed the needs or suffering of the people around Him. He healed the sick (Matthew 14:14, Mark 1:41), fed the hungry (Matthew 15:32), raised the dead (Luke 7:13-15), and in His compassion, He taught and provided guidance to the lost. What is it to be compassionate? Compassion is the deep awareness of and sympathy for the suffering of others, combined with a strong desire to alleviate that suffering. It goes beyond mere empathy, which is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, by including a proactive element—taking

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I Choose Today to be Spiritually Invigorated

Have you ever felt the need for God to refresh your soul? Psalm 119 offers a glimpse into David’s heartfelt plea for spiritual renewal, and it speaks to the deep need we all have for God’s personal touch in our lives. When I read these verses in the MSG version, I felt the Holy Spirit touch something deep within me, “Let my cry come right into Your presence, God; provide me with the insight that comes only from Your Word. Give my request Your personal attention, rescue me on the terms of Your promise. Let praise cascade off my lips; after all, You’ve taught me the truth about life! And let Your promises ring from my tongue; every order You’ve given is right. Put Your hand out and steady me since I’ve chosen to live by Your counsel. I’m homesick, God, for Your salvation; I love it when You show Yourself! Invigorate my soul so I can praise You well, use Your decrees to put iron in my soul. And should I wander off like a lost sheep—seek me! I’ll recognize the sound of Your voice.” Psalms 119:169-176 I feel David’s words deep in my soul! He is asking God

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I Choose Today to Celebrate Blessings: A Year of Reflecting God’s Love

Today is a special day… A year ago, I was invited to join my uncle in contributing to a blog. Now, when he first brought up this idea, my first response was to say an emphatic NO! Who would want to hear from me? I’m not a biblical scholar or anyone with credentials of any kind. Why would God call me to do a blog? Who would read it? What would I say? However, I decided to pray about this opportunity in front of me.  During my prayer time, God showed me Jeremiah 1:7a &9, where He says, “…for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you… Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said, “Look, I have put My words in your mouth!” When I started this blog journey, I just wanted to be a blessing to those who read it. But it has become so much more than that! I am learning what it means to be a blessing, and the fact that I am blessed in return.  So, what does being a blessing look like? How can we all be a blessing to those in our sphere of influence

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I Choose Today to Have Rhythm

I love music. I’ve been known to turn the volume up and dance around to the beat, feeling the rhythm as I sing at the top of my lungs. When God created the earth, He didn’t just form the heavens, the plants, animals, and humanity. He also wove rhythm into the fabric of creation. Rhythm is all around us and within us. Our hearts beat in rhythm, we breathe in rhythm, and even our steps follow a rhythm. Each of us has a unique cadence, one that God designed specifically for us. Just as He made us unique, so too is our relationship with Him. Our rhythm with God is personal, a dance between Creator and creation, echoing the uniqueness He instilled in each of us. We need to step into the rhythm He has set for us. When we find and embrace God’s rhythm in our lives, it does more than align us spiritually; it brings harmony to every aspect of our day. Whether we’re at work, interacting with loved ones, or pursuing our personal goals, living in tune with God’s rhythm helps us navigate challenges with greater peace and patience. Just as a well-composed song brings harmony, so

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I Choose Today to be Divinely Defined

As many of you know from past posts, I have endured intense trauma in my life—belittlement, isolation, abandonment, stolen innocence, being ignored, and oppression. So how can a person who has gone through so much trauma be used to encourage others, be set apart, and fulfill God’s purpose? I have learned that I am not defined by my trauma, my past experiences, or the labels others try to place on me—not even by my own mistakes. No, I am already defined by the blood of Christ! He says I am enough. He says I am worth His shed blood. He says who He created me to be… It is Christ who gets the last say because He died to give me freedom and the ability to live divinely defined! While we live in a severely broken, self-obsessed world, where trauma may come at the hands of others’ selfish desires and sins, the perpetrators and the experiences do not define us. Instead, God can use these moments to refine us. He can take what the world meant for evil and meld it into us to be used for good and His glory. Joseph, from the Bible, experienced some horrible things at

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