I Choose Today...

I Choose Today My Thoughts

I recently heard a story about a vulture and a hummingbird. They were both in the same place, but one was looking for death and the other was looking for life. They both found what they were looking for. One fed on death, the other fed on life. So that begs the question: what do I feed on? What do I look for? Something that leads to death (negative), or something that leads to life (positive)? The world likes to minimize this by saying we are a glass half empty or half full. But I say I don’t want to be a half-full kind of person either; I want to be a glass-overflowing kind of person! When we look at the world through its own lens, we see the negative (death). But when we look at the world through the eyes of Christ, we are always looking for the life and positive in every situation! This reminds me of the biases I learned about in school. One of the biases is called Confirmation Bias: “This involves favoring or focusing on information that confirms your existing beliefs and preconceptions.” In other words, we find what we look for. If we look

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