I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Not Fear: part 2

Last time we were here, we discussed fear. I mentioned what a friend of mine said, “fear says can’t, but hope says can.” But why is it, by even knowing this, we get stuck on fearing over hoping? We have all heard what the letters of FEAR stand for – False Evidence Appearing Real. Sit with that for a moment, the evidence we imagine is false; however when we think on it so much, it seems to become real! One of the ways we can play the fear game is by using conjecture and “what-ifs.” What if I don’t get that job? What if I get into an accident? What if God doesn’t answer my prayer or answers it in the way I want? What if I don’t get better? I find when I play the “what-if” game, my fear grows and grows. Even though there is no evidence for the fear, it is made more real by thinking about all the worst case scenarios. Another thing that happens as a result of what-ifs is it steals our ability to dream, to hope, to thrive! Just like the story mentioned last time about the spies who let fear rob them

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