I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Not Fear: part 1

A friend reminded me that “fear is all about can’t, and hope is all about can,” which is so true! That statement gave me an aha moment. When we let fear overtake our thoughts and actions, we are saying we can’t, or worse yet, God can’t! Which we know is a lie! God can do all things; His abilities are unlimited and transcend time and space. We can do all things through Christ (Phil 4:13), and without Christ, we can do nothing (John 15:5). But fear of the unknown is so paralyzing. That is what happened to the Israelites when the spies went into the Promised Land and said the people were too big and strong to overcome. That was true if they relied on their own power and abilities, but not with God’s. He promised (and repeatedly demonstrated) to take care of all the obstacles in their way. But they didn’t believe God and chose to give in to their fear. Thus, that generation was kept from their Promised Land. How true that is for us too! We encounter obstacles, the impossible, the unknown, and let fear overtake us at the enormity of it and our ability to engage

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