I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Set the Tone

Have you ever considered that you have the choice to set a tone within your sphere of influence? We set the tone in our homes, relationships, as spouses, parents, employees, co-workers, and spiritual mentors, coaches, and teachers. A friend of mine recently celebrated her mom’s life and heard how impactful, purposeful, and powerful her mom was—not just to her children but to so many others. What a treat, blessing, and inspiration! This made me wonder what people will say about me; how did I set the tone for Christ? Would they say I loved others like Christ does? Would they say I showed kindness, mercy, and grace like Him? Would they find my story of thriving after surviving to be impactful, powerful, and purposeful? That’s what I want to do with the remaining time I have here on earth! That’s the focus of my podcast and blog, and why I volunteer to encourage and empower others in the ways of the Lord. I want the blessings, experiences, and teachings that God has given me to inspire others in their relationship with God and how they choose to live their lives. I want each day to be a choice to walk

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