I Choose Today...

I Choose Today My Thoughts

I recently heard a story about a vulture and a hummingbird. They were both in the same place, but one was looking for death and the other was looking for life. They both found what they were looking for. One fed on death, the other fed on life. So that begs the question: what do I feed on? What do I look for? Something that leads to death (negative), or something that leads to life (positive)? The world likes to minimize this by saying we are a glass half empty or half full. But I say I don’t want to be a half-full kind of person either; I want to be a glass-overflowing kind of person! When we look at the world through its own lens, we see the negative (death). But when we look at the world through the eyes of Christ, we are always looking for the life and positive in every situation! This reminds me of the biases I learned about in school. One of the biases is called Confirmation Bias: “This involves favoring or focusing on information that confirms your existing beliefs and preconceptions.” In other words, we find what we look for. If we look

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I Choose Today to Use My Words for Love

I recently read a story about balcony and basement people. Balcony people cheer you on and use their words to lift you up. Basement people, on the other hand, bring you down with their words. When we read this description, certain people come to mind. We can all be balcony people, but we can easily become basement people too. Sometimes, it is those closest to us that we treat as basement people because we feel secure in their love and lash out. I know I need to do better with that. The balcony/basement analogy is one that will stick with me. Even when those closest to us act as basement people, our response as balcony people can stop the cycle of destruction in our relationships. This is what true love is, according to 1 Corinthians 13: “Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy, is not boastful, is not arrogant, is not rude, is not self-seeking, is not irritable, and does not keep a record of wrongs… It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” Now, translate these principles into how we respond to those we love. Replace the word

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I Choose Today to see Beyond My Problems

We all have problems, right? Some days, waking up to them feels overwhelming, making us want to stay in bed, hiding under the blankets, hoping they vanish. I’ve realized that the real issue isn’t my problems themselves but how I view them. A perfect illustration of this perspective is found in 2 Kings 6:15-17 (NLT): “When the servant of the man of God got up early the next morning and went outside, there were troops, horses, and chariots everywhere. “Oh, sir, what will we do now?” the young man cried to Elisha. “Don’t be afraid!” Elisha told him. “For there are more on our side than on theirs!” Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes and let him see!” The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.” The servant saw only the problem, feeling trapped with no solution in sight. In contrast, Elisha saw his problems through the lens of God’s provision and protection, trusting in God’s ability to solve them. Often, we lack the eyes to see God’s power at work amidst our problems; we see only the challenges.

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I Choose Today to be Led Through the Wilderness

What is holding you back from stepping out in faith into your calling? Is it fear of failing? Inadequacy? Uncertainty? Fear of the unknown obstacles, giants, or hills that need to be battled? I have felt all these things. I have also stepped out in faith and, trial after trial, I wondered if I would have been happier or better if I would have just stayed where I was. At least I knew what to expect. But one of the things that I have learned is that when I have stepped out in faith and walked through the wilderness, that is when I learn the most. God did that for the Israelites when they left Egypt: “He brought us out from there in order to bring us in, to give us the land which He had sworn to [give] our fathers.’” Deuteronomy 6:23 AMP God brought them out of oppression, slavery, and captivity and into the wilderness in order to get them prepared for the promised land. “The Lord your God will drive out those nations to make room for you. But He will do it little by little. You won’t be allowed to get rid of them all at

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I Choose Today to Make Good Use of My Words

Anyone who knows me knows I am a talker. When I was a child, I was the kid in class who always got called out for talking. Most of the time, my words were mindless wonderings of a little girl, but even at a young age, I can remember being intentional with my harsh words because of being angry, hurt, or frustrated. As I have gotten older, I have come to realize how important my words are and that I am responsible for them. I try not to be careless with them, nor do I want to intentionally use them for harm. The Bible has a lot to say about the power of our words—our tongues. The wisest person to ever live (besides Jesus), King Solomon, tells us as much when he said, “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” Proverbs 18:21 NLT James 3:5 describes our words as a tiny spark that can set a forest on fire! If you’ve ever felt the sting of someone’s harsh words, you understand their impact. Words have the power to uplift or tear down, to inspire or discourage, to harm or heal. They’re

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