I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Walk Humbly

Do you know someone that is a “know-it-all?” You know the person I am talking about, the person who thinks they are the authority on everything, any subject, and situation? I know you know people like that; you are probably thinking of that someone right now! “Oh yeah, that is so-in-so. You can’t teach or tell that person anything.” But my question to you is that person you are thinking about actually yourself? Maybe it should be, because let’s be honest, there is some truth in there for all of us. Out of all the requirements God calls us to in Micah 6:8 – do what is right, love mercy, walk humbly with your God – the last requirement is by far the toughest. That is because pride is the biggest danger to anyone. We see it all around us: in our politicians, our leadership, in our relationships, in ourselves, even in our church communities. We see it throughout all of scripture – Adam and Eve, Moses, David, Jonah, the pharisees, even the disciples. We are all prone to it. But we need to head this warning straight from scripture, “If you are proud, you will be destroyed. If you

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