I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Reorient Myself with God: Sabbath

(We will return to reviewing God’s requirements (Micah 6:8) next time) I want to highlight here our understanding of the Sabbath. It is indeed a rhythm that we need to find the beat of. On the seventh day, God rested, right? But God doesn’t get tired, so why did He designate a day to rest? I believe (at least in part) it was to establish a rhythm of reorienting ourselves to Him. Part of God’s creation is this day of reflection in order to remember what God did for us during the past six days, what struggles/trials we are currently working through, and how God is faithful in the day-to-day activities of our lives. It reminds me of another work analogy. I work in an agile environment where the cadence of our work happens in a time-box called a sprint. This is when the work gets tackled, but when the sprint is over, no matter if the work is complete or not, we stop work, gather to review the work, and do a retrospective with our Product Owner of what went right, identify some blockers, and what can change. Then we start a new sprint, carrying on the same cadence.

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