I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Trust in God’s Plan

Let me ask you a very hard question: Have you ever been disappointed with God? Jesus? Did you ever expect something from God and felt He didn’t meet your expectation? Back in the time of Jesus, many were disappointed because Jesus didn’t live up to their expectation of what the Messiah was going to do for them. The Jewish community expected the Messiah to rescue them from Roman rule and oppression and become King of the Jews (Read Mark 15). So when Jesus died on the cross, even His closest followers were disappointed. Was what He said about Himself and God even true? What now? Were they supposed to continue looking for the Messiah, the one who is going to rescue them? What they were thinking about was the here and now; solving today’s problems. If Jesus was only there to help in their present need, what would happen to future generations? To the people who were not Jews? After all, they were the ones who labeled Him King of the Jews. But God and Jesus had something bigger in mind; something that would last forever, for whosoever will call on the name of the Lord! Their plan was for

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