I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Take Part in my Spiritual Genealogy

One of the popular things to do is to research one’s genealogy. Finding out who is in one’s family line is intriguing. If there is a discovery that a relative is someone of significance or well known, the person tells everyone who will listen, announce it on social media, and slips it into general conversation. What about your spiritual genealogy? Most, if not all, of our spiritual genealogy stories draw all the way back to Jesus. Someone heard the gospel from Jesus and believed. That person told someone else about Jesus, being our Savior, how He died for our collective sins (past, present, future), and defeated death by rising from the grave to ensure an eternal life with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit! That person told someone else (and believed), that told someone else, and so on until it got to the person (or people) who told you. So your spiritual genealogy started with Jesus! How amazing is that!? You are spiritually related to the Savior of the world! Since Jesus is the Son of God, we are coheirs with Him, and also children of our precious Heavenly Father. How mind-blowing amazing is this; your

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