I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to remember the importance of God’s Word

God’s Word is God breathed. It breathes life, power, strength, wisdom/knowledge, salvation into our life’s. Just like your prayer, “breathe life into us in our wariness, worry, and everything else that might come upon us.” God’s Word provides us so much, including being a balm for our souls. It teaches us, encourages us, and empowers us to be God’s ambassadors. David’s detailed description of God’s statues, decrees, promises in this Psalm, encourages me to get deeper and deeper into God’s Word. I can relate more and more to the proclamation of gratitude of God’s Word, as well as David’s when he says, “I will praise you seven times a day because all your regulations are just.” Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭164‬ “Abba God! Thank You for leaving the legacy of Your Word for us to learn more about You and Your ways in which we can emulate. I, like David, want to praise You seven times a day for Your provision of Your Word! Your words of instruction are precious to us. We hunger and thirst for them daily. Plant them permanently on our hearts and tongues so we can be ambassadors for You and proclaim Your glory! In Jesus’ name.”

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I Choose Today to be in awe of God’s majestic creation

While on a business trip, I am chasing a sunset for the first time ever. It is so amazing. Here I am 30,000 feet in the air, the clouds just beneath the plane seem to stretch like a vast ocean, occasionally looking like giant waves in the midst.  It is breathtaking. Just the sheer beauty, but the brilliance and creativity of the creator of this glorious demonstration dichotomy of power, gentleness, and peace. It shows me just how small I am in contrast to the world as a whole, but it is allowing to view it with humility, awe, and spectacular praise because the my God Almighty who made this marvelous living art I am witnessing, I also call Abba (Daddy). He is so powerful, yet so gentle. So brilliant, yet so loving. So vast, yet so personal to me. His glory is evident in His creation. “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.” Psalms‬ ‭19‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬ As I look upon this beautiful masterpiece of a sunset, His most prize work of art is His creation of His/their likeness in human form! He wants us to mirror His likeness to the world like this sunset

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Hang in There…We’re Almost Home!

This morning I was reading Revelation 21:3-6, “I heard a SHOUT from the throne. It will be like attending a homecoming party and the voice says ‘LOOK, God’s home is now among his people! He WILL live among them, and they will be HIS PEOPLE. God HIMSELF will be with them. He WILL wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All  these things ARE GONE FOREVER.’ And the One sitting on the throne said, ‘LOOK, I AM making EVERYTHING NEW!’ And he said to me (John), ‘Write it down, for what I tell you is TRUSTWORTHY and TRUE.’” I always thought the tears was remembering the past, but could it be that God is wiping away tears of joy? Today I choose to share in the joy of His Salvation! The best is yet to come. Smile God  love you! Hang in there, we are almost home. I know this because God said so.

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I Choose Today to be Logical…

I love the verse, “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 In my linear way of thinking, this verse draws a logical line of “if” and “then.” “If” I trust in God and His legacy of faithfulness in my life and believe He will take care of all the details in my life, “then” I will be COMPLETELY filled with joy and peace! Who doesn’t want joy and peace? I know I do! We can fully trust that things will work out for the good, both in accordance with His perfect plan and for our benefit, bringing us joy and allowing us to live in peace, only when we put our faith in the One who is faithful. I want to live like that! I want to have joy and peace in my life. How do I do it? I trust God with everything, and don’t worry about anything. I don’t get impatient and try to do things on my own (get ahead of God).  I put my focus on

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to Rejoice!

Today I choose to rejoice! I have so much to rejoice over. We have a missionary family here that lived in a country where you could go to jail for just saying the name “Jesus.” When I met them, I could see  by their faces that they were so happy to be here. I asked them how it felt to be here and they said, “This place is amazing!” I was thinking they were talking about  Siloam Missionary Homes, but then he said, “We can worship and say Jesus and not be worried about what anyone thinks. I was even able to play a Christian song on the piano.” Wow! I have the freedom to worship God and yet am so worried that I might offend someone?  Why can’t my face shine like Moses’ did after he was with God? The good news is, it can – if my relationship is God centered. If my relationship is right with God, then it will be right with all people.  I WILL rejoice. 1 Cor.10:13 “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience, and GOD IS FAITHFUL. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you

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